Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I agree that partisan politics has a large impact on the practice of vetoing appropriations. I also agree that some decisions based purely on party affiliations do little to actually benefit the public as a whole. I think party decisions are more commonly seen when one party has majority control. The president is a Democrat and both the house and senate are controlled by Democrats. In the past year we have seen many major bills pushed through such as additional stimulus plans, bailouts, and the still undecided health care bill. In these cases Republicans argued against bills but Democrats stood along party lines to support their president. However not all Democrats supported these bills because they feared dim re-election chances if they supported the spending.
I will admit I pay very little attention to the happenings within the Pennsylvania state government. I am definitely more aware of what is taking place at the national level. I do feel that since Gov. Rendell is granted the authority to veto bills and line items he has a responsibility to the citizens of Pennsylvania to do what is in their best interest and to not be self serving. I feel an effective politician should work with all parties involved to reach an amicable agreement that best suits everyone not just their respected party. Budgets are very controversial and everyone is effected whether at the local, state or national level.

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